Winner & Associates is experienced in the area of public land law. Russ Winner has practiced extensively in this area for over 25 years. When he first came to Alaska, Russ worked in the Regional Solicitor's Office for the U.S. Department of Interior. Since entering private practice, he has represented a diverse range of Native corporations, public institutions, corporations, and individuals in public land matters, before the state and federal agencies, and in the state and federal courts. Practice areas include the federal Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, the Alaska National Interest Lands and Conservation Act, and the state's Alaska Lands Act. In addition, Winner & Associates is experienced in environmental law in both the federal and state courts. Before coming to Alaska, Russ taught Environmental Law at Lewis & Clark Law School, in Portland, Oregon, which has one of the most respected programs in Environmental Law in the country.


Winner & Associates, P.C. 900 West Fifth Avenue
Suite 700 Anchorage, Alaska (AK) 99501

Telephone: (907) 277-9522
Fax: (907) 277-4510
